Friday, April 22, 2011


Anna Hazare hunger protest and the people’s support for him is definitely an indicator of public anger aganist corruption and nepotism, all that they needed was a catalyst and Anna Hazare’s fast was one which united the nation as one single entity which sent sleepless nights for the Government in the current dispensation.
The Jan Lokpal bill is  just a beginning of people voice over Governance, victory of people will herald a new beginning in accountability of the Elected Representative, the Executive and the next level will be the Judiciary and they better be prepared for such scrutiny by the Ombudsman who will have extra teeth to over see what is happening over every deals that the Neta’s ink and one slip can expose and end  their political career.
Let us understand why the political established was hesitant in implementing the Lokpal bill, it is because the Neta’s  while calling for transparency and probity in public life were stalling the bill, for their narrow personal security and thereby looting the country. This is not confined to UPA or Congress and we cannot single them out, the opposition BJP while crying foul about corruption in New Delhi is backing the Chief Minister in Karnataka who is immersed himself into corruptions like Land Scams and the likes, he has taken upon himself that he will only rest once his hunger for wealth if fulfilled, the JDS is yet again another example of corruption and there is a Book on its Chief H.D Deva Gowda who is the only Prime Minister with dubious distinction of having such book for wrong reasons.
The other major party in question is Samajwadi party,RJD,DMK,Telegu Desam,AIADMK and Bhahujan samaj Party are no bereft of charges against on corruption, nepotism, rape and manslaughter  to name a few.  The party distances itself if any one of them are exposed absolving themselves of the responsibility of the particular individual by asking him to resign and this is absurdity why act only when they are caught red handed why not track their back ground before you give them your B form for filing their candidature.
The Elections to be held in Kerala is glaring examples of the inadequacies of the Representations of People Act as it is blind on who is eligible to contest the elections to the vast extend of the term. Here 43% out of the total candidates who have filed their nomination have criminal background which means the old adage of telling “POLITICS IS THE LAST RESORT OF A SCOUNDREL’ is apt. Let us understand from the parties in question who have selected people with criminal background as to what was the compulsion behind such candidatures, are these parties trying to reform these scoundrel and putting them back to main streams or is it a return of favours for work solicited. Any ways what can we expect out of this goons who will rule us. The policemen who used to shower latis on them will  have salute them that is the power of our Mandate. Let us not restrict our criticism only to Kerala as this happens all over the country, we can find goons in our Parliament , at times of debates you can see them in their real form, pulling , pushing each other to show supremacy.
Yet we call India a Glowing Example Of Democracy. Alas God Bless us all !
The Indian political establishment has failed to understand the perspectives of the governed meaning “ How are people feeling the way they are being Governed” Often thinking that the Mass is just to watch them election after elections as the “right to recall” has never being used even once, neither we have had plebiscite as to whether we need this form of Governance, here there is a difference Governance and democracy, I am not taking about democracy it is about Governance. The Five year Election period for a Candidate should have a review after every 2 years here there will be no candidates contesting, it will be single sheet  of  paper asking people whether they are happy with the Candidate, If the passing percentages is less than 40% he will loose his membership. While we expect our children to pass the examination we let go Assembly and parliament Members without any test or exams, we elect them time and again based on their false promises.
Finally the time has come for a change, Anna Hazare the icon of the middle class today cannot save you for ever, we need more people like him to participate in the revolution and turn the country around and make politics a career option with valid and reasonable pay scales like that of an IAS or IPS officer, rather than asking our representatives to work for pittance and expecting them to be honest.  Utimately Values and transperancies comes with a price.
It is definetely a wake up call for the law makers.
19th April 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The sep-ul-cher for posterity----The Nuclear Harm An Analysis

The recent mass destruction due to Tsunami and subsequent Nuclear blast in Japan has  put in a question of how safe we are in a Nuclear world, what kind of safety that we as an human entity have against such destructive devices in the hands of various countries, one trigger happy parasite  can annihilate the whole human existence.
We are told that 30 rems (meaning roentgen equivalent in Man)can have significant changes in the blood streams , and about 80 to 128 rems can make you sick for life like having permanent sickness like Cancer, haemorrhages,  and about 300 or more  rems  can be fatal, ( The Rem is unit used to measure the radiation dosage on human being). Having said this in the event of a Nuclear explosion one is not sure what will be the dosage one gets which largely depends upon the location and how closer you are to the site of explosion. It  Is also told that the radiation lingers long enough to reach out, through  Air , to maximum distance ,which can only be assessed  by the intensity of the Nuke bomb,  its capacity, and the wind speed at that point of time.
In lay man parlance in the first minute of the blast after detonation there are three damages that can be caused which are Thermal radiation the low yield of which is 35% or More in less than 100ft and it can go as high as 45- 48%, then you have Blast wave  which is 60% low yield and 50% high yield and the third damage causing is ionizing radiations which is at 5%, the radioactive decay of the fall out releases additional 5 to 10%, in nutshell you can near holocaust in the event  of a Nuke War.
As per the inventor of law of relativity Albert Einstein “The Law of Mathematics refers to reality, they are not certain, as far as the y are certain, they do not refer to reality,” The  quote of this genius holds good when senior scientist  predicts and perfects Nuke weapons and its safe gaurds. The Lab trials or mock test are okay in its controlled atmosphere, the job said is well done, but we cannot calculate the intensity of the blast if the said bomb is to explode in places with petroleum or Chemical plants as the same can trigger multiple effect on the human populace which can be on a geometric proportion.
Dr.Tatsurichiro  Akizuki has detailed in his book Nagasaki 1945 the real account of Automic explosion as he was the eye witness to the tragedy and has administered medicine to the effected victims, he himself got the effect of radiation and had constant fever and diahorea, he claims that his selfless service to save life was appreciated by the God almighty and he escaped from the jaws of death to live yet again.
We have seen only a Atomic blast since its discovery  at Hiroshima and Nagasaki  and  we cannot  afford   to do on field  trials of Nuke Bomb, the Scientific calculation and Matrixes can go hay wire if the said bomb disturbs the craters of the Earth which in turn can cause havoc. Why  just warfare ? look at the accidents that are before us ,since Nuclear Invention , The Chernobyl 1000 mega watts power reactor in USSR, The Three Mile Island near Pennsylvania, Presently in Japan are glaring example of how unequipped we are against this deadly Energy and how insufficient we are in our Nuclear safeguard as these happened in the most dev eloped countries. Here we should imagine what will be situation if it has to happen in Pakistan , North Korea or India where we have limited  experience as compared to major republics.
We have seen  major scientific breakthrough  in the last 100 odd years including Nuke ,Atomic enery & plastics, some of them did really bring in some comforts to us, but we failed to understand all this scientific inventions and its subsequent use will have a telling effect on the Earth’s craters. While we cooled our Bed rooms with Air Conditioners, we heated up the Earth with indiscriminate use of plastics and petroleum products which is unwise decision. We set certain values to all that we discovered and manufactured things only keeping in mind the bottom line of the establishment, but forgetting the long terms consequences on the Ecology.
While my argument is not against invention or its commercial application, but what about our concern for sustainability factor, why did we forget this  most crucial factor in the first place, while we all know plastic was a good product but why did we go overboard in the use of plastic. Why did we forget the need  for recycling.  Here some companies and organisation have developed ‘CRADLE TO CRADLE’ DESIGN PROTOCOL, which simply means mimicking natures organic life cycle, here after the end use of the product, the product is returned to the manufacturer for recycling”, The people behind this design protocol is  William McDonough an designer  and Michael Braungart a chemist, and their design protocol is called MBDC chemistry. While this is a step in the positive direction and companies like Rebook, Nike, Shaw  etc  are embracing this production models  as part of their environmental commitments. 
All this put a common question as to why did we lack the foresight  of having such production models before venturing into commercial production of plastic and petroleum products, we do only do a corrective surgery , why not prevent the abuse in the first place.
The Nuke power and plastics are only inferences, we need a macro level understanding of Science and its discoveries, we need to understand them first and  then embrace them, keeping in mind the impact its by -product has on the Ecology . The mindless embracement of human findings can lead us to the throes of mass destruction, as the Ecology has its own pressure release system in place, which we have seen in the form of Tsunami, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Melting of Ozone layers etc., which in turn have definite bearing on human health and we can contract all types of epidemic like radiational effect, plagues etc., while the human capacity is measureable but no one can measure Nature in its entirety, while she will give us all in abundance her  wealth, she the Mother Nature can be a good disciplinarian as well.
We should also understand who the users of these inventions are; the Psychiatry of human mind is not accessible to scientific findings, as such we should factor socio-economic background of all the people while inventing dangerous product like Nuke. In this case the mindless   republics  like United States  and Soviet Union during their Cold War Era has equipped their Satellites like Pakistan, North Korea etc., with Nuke Capabilities what will happen to its Nuke installation, if they were to fall into the hands of Militant Groups, like Taliban or Lakshera Tioba, who were nurtured by the very  American in their war for supremacy in Afghanistan. The Bush and Blair’s of the Western world with half the information about “weapons of mass destruction “ waged a mindless war on Iraq and the present dispensation in United States is keen on a War with Iran and North Korea, if any of these countries have Nuke power and something drastic happens, The World is at loss to understand the results of such devastations. This could challenge very existence of Human Race. The error in human judgment is possible, but what about the ramification of its fall out both for the present and posterity  a quiz that needs to be answered.
To find that Answer out we should understand our History, Mythology, We have had many civilization like the Indus valley Civilization, Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, The Ancient Greek Civilization etc., all this have been sunk under this Earth, and what remains, is just the tip of the Ice berg, How these civilisation sunk, causes, effects are something very debateable till date, Scientific rationale lacks reasoning, we are just left with only the remnants of the past.
In the Maha Bharatha we were told the use of sophisticated Astras (Arrows) like Brahmastra,Nagastras etc., can we now decipher  them to the present context of Nuke/Atomic power or at least   Chemical  Warfare. While stating  that, I would like to mention that the evidence of Virtual reality  was also seen, as Drudarashtra  heard the entire War, scene by scene from Vidthura miles away from the War field. We could also understand they had knowledge of making Test tube babies, the Kauravas were born through this method ,then material used we are told are pots. There is a mention of Telephony in the form of a Statement , saying sound passes through air, all this constitutes a well developed Scientific structure existing then and what happened to them are still a Myths.
We have a mention of Brahma Ratri and Brahmaodaya, in the Bhagavat Gita “ which states that I will ensure that I will end all lives in this world during Brahma Ratri which will last for one thousand years and I will resurrect these lives through my fertility during the Brahmaodaya which will last for the next  thousand years,”  can this be interpreted as after every civilisation there has been mass destruction or a deluge and for resurrection it has taken a period equivalent to around 1000 years.
We do not know whether we are entering into the portals of a holocaust, but can be sure that for now,  are we on a cliff, are we going to be merchants of deaths, are we  to leave only Sep-ul-cher’s to our posterity ? or is it the time to Act, Let us arise from the comatose slumb we are in now, and  undo mistakes what we have done in the past or else we will slip from the comatose slumb to comma. A time for introspection.
19th March 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nuclear Power----Are we living on a Cliff

The recent Tsunami which hit Japan causing heavy casualties and subsequent Nuclear blast has thrown open yet another question of "HOW SAFE IS THE NUCLEAR REACTOR", When one talks about a nation with Nuke Power it essentially means that they are at the risk of being effected if anything is to happen to the reactors or installation which can trigger blast.

India in particular and the world in general should think on the nuclear safegaurds before venturing into this mindless nuclear capabilitIes, every country is looking for energy from this resource as other resources are drying up and this comes at a reasonable pricing tag and  making  it attractive, the other attraction is that we can make nuclear weapons to make  their country formidable amongst polity of nations across the world.

While all these features makes one a Super Power, on the flip side of the scale is the danger attached to it in- terms of leaks from these Arsenals and the subsequent radiation on the populace surrounding the Nuclear site. This must form a huge case for concern. 

It is just not the developing economies  that are vulnerable, Super powers to are, like United States, Russia, China which are at more of  high risk Countries and they should address this global concerns through a white paper on "What Nuclear safe gaurds they have in place",? the explosion in any of their Arsenals could have huge impact on the ecology as they are inversely propotional to the high levels of Ammuniations they have at their disposal and the Size of the Blast. The net effect can anhilate the whole human race from this planet.

I must record how vulnerable the countries like USA are, when it comes to disaster management, let us take the example of Kathrina, BP Oil spill, or the 1973 Island tragedy, the entire United States watched the sequence of the entire oil spill plubmiing into the sea, the Mitians were of no use to thwart the spill, or for that matter Kathirna,the post disaster management was so awful that we could see it live on TV that people were in a tragic state and nothing was done immediately to make things better for them. The entire United States Governmental machinary watched them happlessly..

 In parlance the Post Tsunami  which wreaked the Southern coast of India ,was handled in much a better way, as compared to the United States. Techonologically we may not be equals with United State yet we did things better.
 This  is where the role of our Citizenry helped us, The NGO, The Spiritual Gurus,The filimi community, the Industrials and the people at large were seen helping the Victims and this is becasue of Indian thought process  'WELL BEING FOR ALL' and we consider that we are the part of the Large family and we reach out to others during their time of need.

Finally India and the rest of the world should sit in a approriate forum and discuss thread bare the ramification of nuclear disaster and its after effects on the people and the earth, Its  realistic impact on human health, present generation ,and on posterity.
 How much of time these radiatonary waves will circulate, which are the ograns it may effect, What are the safe gaurds one should take,. It must be possible for the country like ours which spends crores of rupees on Ministerial foreign jaunts, samaleans,to  provide Life Jackets to  people in the radius of 100km surrounding the Nuclear Power Plants and in the event of any such disaster the effected people can wear the Jackets and the Oxygen mask to protect themselves , thereby safe gaurding their health from radiations.

While for the poor people the Government Make it available free of Cost, for those who can pay it can be given at a subsided price.

There must be emergency exit Air-ports where ever  the Nuclear Installation are to be located, which will enable transportation of people from the effected place to place of safety, while this is not just for India, this should be followed by all Nuke-Powered countries. 

In the first place let the developed countries agree for reduction of Nuke Arms from their warehouses as it is a collective responsiblity of every nation, towards their citizen in General, and world at large, to preserve this ecology safely.
The ENVIORNMENTAL SAFE GARUDS  should considered as a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT by the UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION any country deviating from this should be punished and de-nuked at once.



Thursday, March 10, 2011


As the women celebrate their Women Days for the 100th Time Since 11th March 1911, let us look at the
the status of women in General , Politics in particular in contxt of their growth and involment in decision making in a country like our which boasts as a shining example for Democratic tradition amongst the polity of nations around the world.

To begin with let us review and analyse whether our women are suited for Indian politics, yes we have had
one of the best of Prime Minister in Indira Gandhi who ruled India for the maximum of year as compared
to any other leaders in the post Independence era, being a women and heading the Government is a job really INCREDIBLE but it happens and happens only in India. While crediting her as the first women
Premier we should aslo say that there were not many women in her council of Minister, infact it was
other  party who promoted her own daughter in law Ms.Menaka as Minister and hence she cannot be
credited for promoting the cause of women in politics.On the same lines in Great Britain's Magret Tachers
rule could be a synonym to the rule of Indira Gandhi.

The era of Rajeev Gandhi did see some women members from both houses of parliment having Ministerial berth, but they were restricted to Minister of State and not of cabinet rank which simply they were not taken seriously except for a notional representation which is aganist the spirit of liberalisation, and political
Psudeosim. While we credit our Women as Bharati nari and praise her to that levels of Gods and Goddess, taking example of Ardha nari swara ( depiction of shiva in male and female forms), we double speak when it comes to share powers whether at home or in the governance.

It is a shame on the part of all Indians that our parliment has failed to pass the women reservation bills and many party and its leader are not in concurence with each other in giving Minimum reservation they deserve,
during the last discussion on this subject there was a pandamonium in the parliment which we consider sacrosant, While there was a total unity to choose to a president from the Minority community and we choose the People President Dr.Abdul Kallam Azad, wonderful and there is no doubt on the qualification of this learned soul, but the political parties who choose him were using his image to woo the minority community and converting the good will of his elections towards their vote bank politics.

While we can talk on length about our political adhocism let us revert back to the topic of women, we did not choose the current President of India unanimously there was election this shows our approach to women and this has come at a time when we have two powerful women both in the ruling side and in the opposition(read as Ms.Sonia & Sushma swaraj), yet NDA feilded their own men candidate.

Finally we are a Male chavanistic society and we fail to address the women with respect and consider them as our equals, On the eve of the centenery year of women celebration the India Capital witnessed dastardly act of rape and murder of women which is a act of cowadice.

Do we really belong to the glowing example of democaracy ,is India headed for a chance ?

It will only when we take a paradigm shift in our perception about women whether they are in politics or
a Home maker and democracy is what they need in the real sense of terms whether it is parliment or in
the confines of their home. Words of Manu is apt,

10TH MARCH 2011


Saturday, March 5, 2011


The recent revelation of mass corruption by Minister's of the UPA Government headed by Manmohan Singh is a glaring example of theft by the elected representative, causing huge loss to the exchequer and gaining from commission and compliments in various forms in equally differnt ways.
The Raja episode caused by P.R Queen Ms.Radia has brought to the fore, the link up the fourth Estate has with the Government and the Industrialist which question the fundamental of  free and fair reporting. If one has to pay for publicity that too from leading journalist like Bharka Dutt and Mr.Sangvi then it is time for Indians to have a Introspection on the role of press in Free India.

The cabinet posts that our Minister holds are on recomendation by the press, again the very formation of UPA is through the persuasion of Press calls in for a national debate, We have also heard pay for article
during the election, the glaring example by Mr.Chauvan the then cheif minister of Maharashtra who got the maximum publicity for a undisclosed price.

We are talking about corruption only amongst politicians , as we have a lien over them as we elect them, but what about people like Bharka and Sangavis who will take on them, as they have formed the alliance themselves. In nutshell the who democratic traditions that we have inherited from our the Generation that vouched for probity is being anhilated by the current diaspora.

Having said this, we still have people like A.K Anthony the only face in congress which doesnt have a mask as of now, imagine people like V.K.Krishna Menon who used to request his friends to help him to put the security deposit for contesting election, where are they gone, do we see such Netas todays? The Answer is No..., similarly from the Fourth Estate we had doyens who took on the establishment like R.K.Karangia of the blitz, N.Ram of Hindu(still there) and the likes, is the present generation lost its morale selling themselves for few chips.

The only solace that the common man has is the courts, while there are black sheeps amongst them but overall the judiciary has managed to retain its status.for the time being. The ruler like Mr.Ramakrishna Hedge
who used to throw his resignations even if someone to point a finger at him and vouched for Probity in public life is gone for good so are the people like him who will never return.

There is no meaning in cribbing about what we had in the past, let the younger generration who wanted a career in Public life come to the forefront and form the next Government and see to it that corrupt leaders are routed out and thereby signalling a NEW ERA IN POLITICS.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why is United States and its Allies UN-DEMOCRATIC

The United States is right by sending out war ships to be stationed close to Libya, therby mounting pressure on Col Gadaffi, while there must be a International out cry to install popular Government in all countries and the best form of Governance is the rule by the people of the Respective Republics.

What one fails to understand is why was the United States and its allies silent when such forms of uprising happened in Tinnanmen Square in China, why did they not freez the assest of China using the International forum intervention like United Nations, are they using double standards one for the Mighty and powerful and the second to the rest of the world.

The duality of their approach is being seen in all the International dealing, while they want trade from India, they want Pakistan as their Satilitee for entry into Asian countires especially for strategic war purposes, while there is absolutly no Governance in Pakistan, we have seen them as a epicentre of terrorism in and around Asia yet US while shouting at Pakistan for public consumption has been sending Aids which unfortunately is being used aganist the United States citizenry through the terrorist outfits bron and brought by Pakistan.

We have seen their approach to Iraq , prewar and post war scenario, with just a wrong information from Tony blair the Great British Premier, they waged the war on this Republic  and reducing it to a war torn state for no fault of their, similarly Iran is being targetted, the UNO is seemingly a Rubber stamps of these developed brats.

The dissolution of Soviet union through Periostroka and Gorbechev liberasation has brought about an imbalance in the regions and United States is weighing heavly on all International bodies showing their raw power of Money and Military, if things goes on like this, there will be a day when they will experience a
Holocast of sorts, as their very persons whom they equipped with Necluer Arsenals will strike a body blow on them.
Dovetailing all their mischeifs is the sweet talks about democratic approach and shared concerns on Global
issues, like global warming to democratizing the UNO, offering India a sop of Permanent Membership at
a mutually agreed price in itself pseudo democratic approach.

Not withstanding all that is told above, Libya needs a helping hand, Asian countries with India on the forefront should do their might to bring about a change in the Government, like all dictators Gadaffi should be asked to step down, to the extend pressure should be built up, thereafter People of Libya should be asked to choose their Government , India and other likeminded republics  should offer them help to draft the constitution. There can also offer their expert advise of How to conduct a Elections and Government formations.
Let us asssume that Libya will have the first democratically elected Government in the nearest future.


Monday, February 28, 2011

End of Anarchy or Imperlisim

The Muslim world is witnessing a plethora of agitation and in some cases bodering into civil war and it is all happening in successive mode and breaking open from the Shackles of Anarchism and Imperlism into a iconclastic social order, which inturn will pave way for democratic order in the State.

The order of the king is no more gospel and people are on the street demanding freedom and liberation form the so called ruling class, infact they are ready for Military rule than be ruled by the tyrants or dictators. India as a leading democracy should facilitate in restoring the State Machinery and infusing democratic traditions in these headless republics.

Having said this I did not mean India should act like Big Brother but the whole process should be that of Negotiations and offer help when it is requried, primarlily they should help them draft Constitution, facilitate in the process of conducting free and fair Elections, help in maininting Law & Order like the way they have done it in Nepal. India should not offer any sort of help to the dicatators or Military as it would demean the reason of us being a Democracy.
The interface between Oligiarchy and Democracy should not be blank(Meaning law less) as it can be drawn into the brink of yet an Dictorial rule or Military rule and our help should be to extend all possible help in
pulling these republics to democratic rule as it will augur well for us,to have more democracies by our side in case of Elections in the International forum.

The successive unrest in different parts of the muslim world is the reason of peoples perception over the rule and the agitation is for a Change in Governance, while the world Conveys their condemnation over force being used aganist the agitators by the present day Government , International sanctions by the erring government is fine but why were these very bodies silent when Tinamen Square Student revolution were quelled by the then Chinese Government with a Iron hand, were these bodies less powerful that time or defunct. The reason is simple we have two sets of rules in the International forums one for countires which are powerful and other to the rest of its entities.

Having said all this I am not diverting the attentions from the main topic, but I am only trying to bring in democratic parlance in the forum that the democracies are to be staying to-gether, meeting common and shared values democratically.


Saturday, February 26, 2011


The finance ministers both State and Centre has done a tremendous in making all of believe that there will be a growth year after year while the budget and budgetary allocation says otherwise and indications are that by the year 2015 India will have a huge burden and every Indian will have few lakhs on his head to repay for the Misgovernance that the political establishment has done with the hard earned money of the taxpayer.

Dr.Manmohan Singh who is definetely one of the architects of Indian Liberalisation during his stinct has finance minister in the Narashima Roa Government, has toed the line of populism when he is in the helm of affairs a Prime Minister, the 7-8% growth which he is talking about is something which is not possible without financial jugglery which every Fianance Minister do with their impeccable speech some with poetry which includes even regional langauges like Bengali... Now that it is clear that nothing big is going to happen because of the Government and nothing unusal will be in the Pranab Mukerji"s Financial Statement for the year 2011-12 which will include only some populist measures for the so called weaker sections of the society, which will definetely include Minority and thereby wooing them into voting for the UPA in the General Elections slated somewhere in future.

We will have some sops for States which doesnt have Congress as some of them are likely to go to the polls during the next year. The Hard working Businessman will have to foot the burden of  political establishment Kitschy. The case in focus will be Tamil nadu, Maharashtra and Karnataka which is definetely heading for election during the course of next two years and Congress is out of power in Karnataka will have to harp on their secularistic credential and their messiah and hence the dole out will be better these Three states.

I want to know is there no governing procedure on finance in this country, is the RBI and other nodal Agencies do not bother when the Political Parties dole out cash and Kinds as part of fullfilling their Manifestos, can there not be a Code of Conduct that needs to be maintained or a rule book which will curtail political parties from offering sops like Free Telivision sets, Free houses, Concessional interest rate etc, which presently forms the core of the manifestos. Similarly States should be maintain some reasonable amount of transperancy which should be advertised as to how much of the budgetary allocation that has been used from the Centre, a minimal drawal needs to emphasised for future allocations. For example if Karnataka is given 1000crores for infrastructure and if the Government of Karnataka is not using the fund then the next year allocation should have the barring on the present usage.

The political parties should abstain from promising free bees, sops and reservation, Infact reservation on all aspects of this democracy should be abolished as reservation and freebees are aganist the basic tenets of Liberlisation and hence it should be withdrawn. The subsidies should also go, if the Gas cylinder is costing Rs.700/- it must be sold for that price which will not bleed the economy. Once that is acheived than the taxation will automatically come down as taxation in our economy is inversly propotional to subsidies which many of us fail to realise.

Any party which comes with agenda to share the public weath during their tenure governance should be restarined from taking part in the by Elections and morale code of conduct should be framed and every parties should adhere to it.  While student Concessional passes are okay as they form our future, old age men should be given the facility as they have contributed to this economy during their earning days, the earning members and youth should not be give such priveledges as that is the burden to the exchequer and where they will get money, either they borrow or take it from your in the form of Taxes, duties and other levies.

Scientific approach to financial discipline is the answer, we should allow the experts to handle financial, and believe me, we have the best finance minister and equally a expert financial expert in Manmohan singh but they are made to toe the populist line by their respecitve parties, it is better that we stop it now or our Children will come into this world with a huge burden left behind by us and will curse us , for taking
India into a debt track.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Indian political parties "THE BLUE LINE APPROACH"


From the state of Anarchism which in a literal sense of terms means “Stateless society”, as  it promotes individual interest and syndicalism  promotes individuals with ego centric approach the rule, The next form of Governance is  Monarchy which is a rule by a King and his council of minister with absolute  and conclusive Statehood and a unwritten rule book. Here the succession is through the blue line or lineage, the third in the line of political reform is Oligarchy which in simple terms means a rule by few, could be a group or from the members of a Family again this is just another step of statehood where only few holds the key to the Governance, communism which is a all inclusive approach to share people wealth or what we could call a rule by a Party to which all must agree approach, Finally democracy is a rule by the people and here the will of the people will rein supreme and absolute and refined form of Governance which is the most powerful and accepted  method of Governance . It was in 1213 AD the Mangna carta was signed by the British crown transferring power to rule from him can be said to be the beginning to the process of democratic governance.
India is one amongst the finest example of this practice and it is the first country ever to practice democracy beginning  at  Lichavi  where  panchayat comprising of people would decided what should be done and majority approval sought  and such proposals or projects gets the sanctioned which according to me is the ultimate form of democratic  traditions practiced anywhere in the world.
Having said this the free India also adopted Democratic  traditions with a well defined constitution and during its journey the governing parties  mixed the Blue line approach of succession beginning with Pandit Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi , Sonia Gandhi and now the heir apparent  Rahul Gandhi .
 The Congress party  can be said to have left this bad precedent which does not augur well with the basic  tenets  for democratic Governance and practices.
The rule by succession or by the blue line has not ended with Congress, but has gained a firm ground with other  national and regional parties embracing such blue line  method to promote self interest and family rule which defeats the very reason why we should have had democratic  form of Governance .   Our leaders have  wilfully fooled the people  in believing ,that they are the champions of democracy ,while practicing  pseudo-democratic  practices which in fact in India borders around the  earlier  rule by the  Kings with respective Kingdoms .The only difference between the two is that now they are called States instead of Kingdom.The ascension to the throne is by the heir apparent and this  is  prevalent today in most of the States barring few with leftist rule.
The de-generation of popular mandate and internal democracy can be traced backed to the times of Mahatma Gandhi, who  unknowingly favoured his candidate  Pathabi  Sitaramiah  against the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose for the presidential election of the congress at Tripuri in 1939 .
The Mahatma made a blatant statement that “ Sitaramiahs defeat is my defeat” which brought in a situation where Mr.Subhash Chandra Bose had to resign, as Mahatma who was very popular had polarised the congress with his followers like  Pandit Nehru who is  even today itermed as Mahatma’s successor. It  is because of Gandhiji  persistence  Pandit Nehru  became the first Prime Minister of India and rest of the succession is the by product of this tragic episode.
While we could see Indira Gandhi with Prime Minister Nehru during his soujourn abroad as Prime Minister we really can fault Nehru of promoting  Mrs Indira Gandhi to take over from him.  It was people like  Kama raj in 1967  who put the rule books to winds and paved her way to the Top Indian Job as Prime Minister ignoring the popular leader like Moraji Desai.This lead  for dynastic successions  thereafter, thus reversing  the  tenets to democratic  approach to Governance.
We have  Rahul as well ,in the line of succession waiting for his time ,to stake his claim for Premier ship of India, the leadership craved  congress ,will  ready accept even his wife or his son in future as well thus making the election slogan of the 1980’s true which was “AFTER INDIRA  IT WILL BE SANJAY, THEN RAJEEV, RAHUL AND THEN IT WILL BE POSTERITY.
During Indira Gandhi’s period when Mr.Rajeev Gandhi dated  Sonia it was his personal affair, but today congressmen has made her the president of Congress. They were wanting her to adron the chair of premiership of India , it is because of the factured  Electoral verdict she gave up in favour of Mr.Manmohan Singh. To be fair to Mrs.Soniaji  it was a sacrifice and let us give her the credit. Our late leader  Rajeev Gandhi  was also not interested in politics as such let us consider  the entry of the Itialian  Sonia  co-incidence.  Todays we are told that Mr.Rahul is  having a affair with a Spanish Girl who is a faceless  character as far as todays politics but what about tomorrow will our children be asked to accept the face less lady as our leader by the future Congress leaders which will put to shame  120 crore people of India to shame as we are not able to churn out one single individual to rule us. The fault does’nt lie with either  Mr.Rajeev or Mr.Rahul and according to me  both of them are innocent,  the cardinal of Congress or the Kitchen cabinet who is soley responsible for such sycophantic  approach to embrace Gandhi house hold. While there is no question about how competent  they were,  in fact I would regard Mrs. Indira Gandhi as one of the greatest leaders of the free India and I would rate her above Pandit  Nehru and it is only the way there were put into the top jobs at is questionable.
while we haven’t come across such practices in other National parties like Left, & BJP  so far. The regional player like  RJD,TDP,DMK,AIDMK,BJD,JD and samajwadi parties  are few glowing examples of Blue line culture.  Everybody Leader has their heir apparent to take over from them when they retire.
In Tamil nadu  the DMK has gone to such an extent that Dr.Karunanidhi  decided which son will be the next Cheif Minister and which one will be the Central Minister. His daughter will be Rajya Sabha M.P, it looks like  the entire State of Tamilnadu is being distributed to his family. He reminds me of our Joint family patriarch approach to  ancestral property and as a Kharta of the family, he has done his part to distribute Tamil nadu amongst his clan.
The second leading party in Tamil nadu AiADMK  is no different, the Late  M.G Ramachandran was succeeded by his wife Janki Ramachandran and thereon,  his one time favourite screen pair,  Ms. Jayalalitha also claimed his legacy and ruled the State.

In Karnataka the dynastic  politics  was initiated by Mr.Deva  Gowda the former Prime Minister of India, this willy politician wanted his son Mr. Kumaraswany to become the cheif  minister and he even paved way for his ascension by  asking  his son to join hands with BJP who he terms “Communal”.  Even after this episode he wanted  the people  of Karnatakato believe   his party  is secular and he is the champion of the minority. The moment Mr.Kumaraswamy’s terms of 20 months concluded he  ensured  BJP  did not get the chance to rule for the remaining 20 months.While he had  said he could not do a thing when Kumaraswamy took away the legislators, but when it came for his son to hand over the Mantle to Mr.Yeddurappa of BJP he was in total control over his son and the party. This led to the dissolution of the Assembly with more than 20 months to go and there by causing a loss to the exchequer..
In Andhra it was the Son-in –law Mr.Chandra babu Naidu who was the strategist behind emergence of TDP which encased upon the face value of legendary actor N.T.Ramaroa, ensured the very persona who is  the cause of TDP  to come to power was thrown out and ascended the throne of Andhra Pradesh.
The Indian political scene is incomplete without the mention of Mr.Lalu Prasad Yadav who rose to stardom through  the student route during the emergency days after he was  indicted on the fodder scam,he ensured his otherwise reculant house wife  Mrs.Rabri Devi succeeded  him. The people of Bihar had to accept this housewife as their Cheif Minister till the next elections.
 The  Indian political parties and its leaders has made commendable effort to erode and efface the tenets of democratic governance and the casuality is the democracy itself. This has lead to the paradigm shift in people perceptions of democracy and this perspective value is the reason for low voting averages .Over a period of time this degeneration will lead to total collapse of this form of governance and people will definitely want a chance and the change must be for better. For  the moment  the Indian Political Establishment  has put our democracy into a comatose slumb  and if corrective  actions are not taken now, it will go into a coma and we will not be able to revive it and it  is better that we act now. We need to relook into our Constitution and enhance the scope of Riight to recall the leader under representation of People act and might it more rigid which will ensure that the elected representative behave  themselves.
However cynical we are about our political parties yet we as people of this country, have a huge responsibility, to reverse this de-generationg by throwing out people and parties by using our fundamental right to vote. This will ensure proper  people with clear views comes into politics. Hence we should not allow the politician to bring in the blue line approach and if anybody tries we should make it loud and clear that  this is democracy  & ‘WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THE BLUE LINE APPROACH” ANY MORE.
All these are embedded in the psyche of all of us, all that we need to do is to refresh them and remploy them and communicate a healthy work culture and values.

16TH FEB 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Indian Democracy in a mouse trap

It is over 64years since Independence it is time for all of us to review our present form of Government both the Centre and State and to analyse whether the present form of Governance are people specific, are the elected representative a real representation of people, is money and muscle power has taken over the might of people"s Mandate for the Government.
Looking at all this aspect i went on to analyase the results of our Bye Election we find little over 50% polling and the winning candidate get almost 25-30% votes is the one who represent, whereas 70% of the people are aganist the very candidate who gets elected which makes the Election itself farce, here the popular will of the people is just a paradox and not reality.

Having said all this, let us analyse the term democracy which simply means a leader is made out of the Election process and not by heriditary afflication as in the Monarchy, The free India has seen family
afflication and heritage over People"s choice, the Congress party which has ruled most of the time in the free Indian has time and again leaned on One Gandhi family over Vetran leader and their capablities which again is against the very tenets of democratic Governance.

on the Regional level and State political horizon also witnessed transfer of power from Father to Son, wife and even Girl friends etc.,
Vast corruption has been the Hall make of Governance of the Free India, should we have a plebicite whether we should have this form of democracy, is India a Glowing Example of Democraies amonst the polity of Nations.
