Saturday, November 7, 2020



The highly polarized elections in the United States brings to the fore that the Afro-American community and Indian community within the United States commands substantial influence in the elections. The Whites too are very much divided over whom to vote. Biden gamble by influencing Indians and the Afro Americans did help him in the elections and his ultimate ascendancy to presidential chairs.  Ms. Kamala Harris did contribute to help Biden in influencing Indian Americans to vote in favor of Biden.

I think Trump’s failure to influence the Afro-Americans and Indian community was one of the reasons for his failure to get to the presidency the second time. Here he made very controversial statement on subjects such as Visa which looked as though he is being very tough for Indians. His recent speech he called the Indian most filthy and stinking also hurt the sentiments of the voters from Indian community who still holds half their foot back in India. His attendance in How di Modi or his Indian visit did not help him at all because by his blatant statements he undid all the goodwill he generated. It is therefore necessary for people like Trump to be cautious before making any statements.

The police atrocities on a African by a police officers also polarized the votes in favor of the Joe Biden as he did extensive campaigning in states with high density of Afro-American and the democrats trump card was to the campaigning of Barrack Obama which fetched rich dividends within Africans community as he too belong to them and his presidency  is still regarded as one of the best in American recent history.

Finally, the pathetic handling of corona crises which crippled the health care within American and informed the people of America with how in adequate is their health care facilities when the government has been boasting of large spends in infrastructures. Even smaller nations like Vietnam did better than United States in tackling COVID-19 Crisis. All this an more the anti-incumbency factors was evident when we looks at the voting patterns in this elections.

We must credit Mr. Trump with all this against he did extremely well and the republican polled well and it was only by narrow margins did JOE Biden Edge him.

Finally coming back to our topic of how the US elections will impact India and what will be our Prime Ministers chemistry with the new President. As our Prime Ministers Chemistry with Trump is highly talked off within India and American. Ideally this relationship with the next American President should also continued as American will be keen to ally with India in the Asia to take on China. In fact Joe Biden should will be more lenient because back home too he has to make it look that he is favoring them as they are become too  to be ignored which will reflect on the democrats in future elections.

For India we continue have excellent relationship with the future president of United States and move on from Trump Charms. I feel Biden will be more sensible to take this relationship with Modiji forward American Interest as well.

Never in the history of United States has the political mosaic be so polarized in this elections. A developed country, in fact  it heads as leader amongst forward nations fears violence in the aftermath of result of this elections in itself, an Indication that all is not well within America as the shops and business establishment has closed down fear looting as we saw during the Afro- Amercian protest where the protestors were seen looting. This also tells us how Vulnerable is this” Great Country”.

However cynical we are US still continues to be beacon of hope for all the countries wanting adopt democratic process within their political theatre in the times to come. They still are one of the finest examples of a successful democracy that is working despite vast difference and cultural divides.



5th November 2020.

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