Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Comments in support of the Valiant Officer Anupama Shenoy which appeared as popular comment in India today

Popular News This Week
Weekly News Digest
Karnataka DSP Anupama Shenoy resigns, threatens to expose minister on FB
Karnataka DSP Anupama Shenoy resigns, threatens to expose minister on FB ·
I think that much has been written about this honest officer who has taken cudgels against corrupt minister who has been haunting all along but no actions has been taken against him or other's mentioned by Anupama Shenoy. The Home Minister attitude of telling the media that she is not my high command cautioning her that he is the boss is very regressive. He is seen more of chauvinistic than liberal .The Chief Minister tried yet another white wash by summoning the Minister more for publicity than with intent.

Karnataka is in a sorry state of affair with Congress Government with honest officer either dying under mysterious circumstances -- ala Ravi or resigning like our valiant Anupama.
Very Bad Precedent by any standards

11 Share

Thursday, April 21, 2016



The Modi's charisma is on the wane for now and cracks of his personality is being seen . The initial euphoria that he created during the electioneering as a strong and formidable leader with no nonsense approach and keeping in lines with that of a pariah is not there anymore. In the times to come we will see more of real MODI and we can derive our own conclusion about his ability to govern.

I must admit I too was charmed by Mode’s personality and thought for once that he is the one stop solution for problems at are ailing the free India but not anymore as I can see that rhetoric has died down since the election and when it comes to his performance, which in terms means the performance of his entire government including himself we could find nothing much has ever happened so far and it is almost over 2 years now. There is no clarity in thoughts between him and his ministerial colleagues as such they put him on mat time and again leading to unwanted embracement.

This aspect of the government is not limited to domestic subject alone we find the foreign policy of the MODI government clearly lacks vision and he drifts from the stated position of the earlier government. I can agree drifting on one or two but the paradigm shift means you lose the entire legacy that the free India has in terms of foreign policy. The elderly statesman like Pundit  Jawaharlal Nehru and others has struggled hard for the Non Alignment movement and that legacy was carried forwarded by  the others Prime Minister  including BJP’s  starwort  Attala Bihar Vajpayee but now Mr.Modi and his team who has no formal experience of running  the country  have  undid whatever these statesmen have collective achieved so far.

While saying so I would like to mention the recently concluded Nuclear submit in Washington where he did not address the two crucial issues of nuclear disarmament and to move towards nuclear weapon free world. The threat for nuclear weapon is to the whole humanity and the United States is the first country ever to stock piles such huge volume of these weapon that could threaten to wipe the whole human race away from this planet. It must be noted that their stock yards are not just in USA but they have it in other parts of the world through their friendly allies. India’s stated position is that of non alignment and this status has been put to winds and our Medici as openly allied with the United States which is against the interest of India especially when it is aspiring to be in a super league of its own.

MODI Government has done irreparable damage to India by accepting to sign these three deadly agreements with the United States. One is CISMOA (Communication interoperability and security memorandum agreement and basic exchange and operations agreement (BECA & LEMOA) which when happens it will make our own armed forces a part of the command and control structure of United State’s armed forces by doing this BJP party government will be marking a significant shift from what the Government of India has been following since Independence and will be making India a strategic military ally of the United States. This will means that we will be surrendering the Indian government to the United States demand and pressure in the times to come.

Even on issue of national interest there has been no substantial discussion in the parliament nor has the MODI Starker taken the opposition parties opinions on this and the way these happens give us a feeling that there is no transparency in what MODI & Company are doing so far even in matter of defense agreements and military collaborations with others countries. Whenever Mr.Modi visits any country , he only determine's what is right according to him and commits  there and then, as part of his instant decisions.  There are  no deliberation at all even if it is of high national importance such as defense or foreign policy. A sort of pseudo democratic approach which could be compared to that of a HUF –Head or Karta taking instant decision which others have to fall in line with which does not augur well with the federal system of democracy that we are  Late  Jawaharlal Nehru or Indira Gandhi, Rajeev  Gandhi  and Mr. Attal Bihari Vajpee ji ,who too had  majority in both the houses of the parliament used parliament as a forum to discuss and deliberate and Nehru would seek oppositions views on majority of the issues before he took decisions. He really is a true statesman and a democrat. Whereas the present dispensation does not gives the impression that they are truly democratic. I remember during the period of  Late  Narashima Roa,  it was Atalji who was asked to front head the delegation for a overseas deliberation and congressmen just followed him as part of the entourage . In this we must understand that the role of the opposition is equally important and they must be consulted when it comes for decision of national importance, especially, which will have long term impact on countries future foreign policy.. Meaning- some decision which is irreversible.

It is time that Modi seeks to the advice of senior BJP leaders like Jaswant Singh, L.K Advani, Murali Manohar Joshi  and others  as they are men with immense experience who can guide this government which has more of immature leader who are not capable of handling their portfolio independently. It will be advisable that Mr. Modi shuns his alter ego & Know all attitude, seeks their guidance and run the country effectively for the remaining terms available.

Finally we are happy with his Michael Jackson image that he created with the support of Indian Diaspora in the United States but  on a stated subject like Defense, Foreign policy  let him not affect paradigm shift from the existing  policies which are well deliberated ones by his predecessors who were well experienced .

 It Time for Introspection.


21 st April  2016