Monday, January 31, 2011

Indian Democracy in a mouse trap

It is over 64years since Independence it is time for all of us to review our present form of Government both the Centre and State and to analyse whether the present form of Governance are people specific, are the elected representative a real representation of people, is money and muscle power has taken over the might of people"s Mandate for the Government.
Looking at all this aspect i went on to analyase the results of our Bye Election we find little over 50% polling and the winning candidate get almost 25-30% votes is the one who represent, whereas 70% of the people are aganist the very candidate who gets elected which makes the Election itself farce, here the popular will of the people is just a paradox and not reality.

Having said all this, let us analyse the term democracy which simply means a leader is made out of the Election process and not by heriditary afflication as in the Monarchy, The free India has seen family
afflication and heritage over People"s choice, the Congress party which has ruled most of the time in the free Indian has time and again leaned on One Gandhi family over Vetran leader and their capablities which again is against the very tenets of democratic Governance.

on the Regional level and State political horizon also witnessed transfer of power from Father to Son, wife and even Girl friends etc.,
Vast corruption has been the Hall make of Governance of the Free India, should we have a plebicite whether we should have this form of democracy, is India a Glowing Example of Democraies amonst the polity of Nations.
